Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Process of Writing a Novel

What is it like to write a book?

Well, it is quite difficult to put into words what it is like to write a book so I thought I would mirror my last blog post and use GIFS to properly explain what really goes through a writer's head when they write their novel. This is to all my writer friends out there!

The Dreaded First Page

The struggle is so real. 

Getting into the zone


A character does something completely unexpected.

A character dies.

Writer's Block

You have to explain to your friends why you can't go out because you have to find out what happens in your own book.

But let's be real, you didn't want to go out anyway. 

Coffee break

More coffee

You write 2,000 words in one day.

You write zero words in one day.

Trying to figure out the title.

When someone asks you what your book is about.

When someone asks to read what you have so far

When someone asks you to write them into your book

 When you finish your book.

Then you begin to edit...

But then you remember you wrote a book.