Monday, December 16, 2013

Cover Reveal....LOOK AT IT!

Dun dun dun! Here is the beautiful, magnificent, lovely, wonderful, gorgeous cover for Morning Glory. I am so excited to share it with you all and hopefully this will help you forgive me for my lack of posts?! Yes? Maybe? Well, here it is anyway!

I am so excited to share this next novel with you all and it should be released within the next few days. EEEKKKK!!!!!! As soon as it is released, I will post buy links for you all!! :)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Advanced Readers' Copies Available Now! Come and get 'em!

Let’s just begin with me groveling at your feet and sobbing, “I’M SORRY I HAVENT BLOGGED IN SO LONG!!”

I promise I haven’t been ignoring all of you on purpose; I’ve just been insanely busy (see prior post from August). Life sort of hit me in the face and I’ve been trying to play catch up this whole semester. BUT I promise your wait for my posts and for (drum roll please) “Morning Glory” will be over soon. My editor and I have been working really hard to make this novel the best it can be for all of you beautiful readers.

This brings me to my next topic. I am offering a selected number of Advanced Readers’ Copies in exchange for an honest review of my novel. If you are at all interested in this and are a book blogger who would like to review either of my novels,  “Forget Me Not” and “Morning Glory,” please email me and I will set you up with a copy! J

Here is the blurb for “Morning Glory” for those who have not read it yet.

Morning Glory: Book Two in the Forget Me Not Trilogy

This war is far from over. This war is only the beginning.

For Adeline Jasely, the threat of both her life and the lives of those she loves is only getting greater as she delves deeper and deeper into the mysteries of the Chippewa tribe. As she falls more in love with Cole, she must make a choice: stand up and fight for what is right or wait for the next person she loves to be taken away.

Book Two in the Forget Me Not TrilogyMorning Glory continues the saga of Adeline and Cole, their newfound love, and the threat of those who wish to end it all.

Will Adeline grow stronger under the threat of more war and bloodshed or will she be unable to fight for those who need her?


The cover artist is still working on the cover and I can tell you it’s going to be beautiful. I can’t wait to share it all with you. We are hoping for a November release date, just in time for the Christmas season (my favorite season of them all). With the different changes necessary, it has taken a bit longer than expected.

If you are interested in reviewing my book and being able to read the novel prior to release, please email me at with a link to your blog.

I promise to strive to post more on this blog. I love you all so much and I am so excited to share this new book with you all. I hope you all look forward to more of Adeline and Cole’s story.


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Being a College Student/President of a Sorority/Published Author/This Title has too many slashes...

Before I begin this post, I would like to apologize for my lack of posts this past week. After the blogger book fair, life got a little hectic as I moved back to my college apartment. Speaking of being a college student, I come back to the purpose of this post.

I'm often asked what it is like to be a college student double major/president of my sorority/published author? It's tiring just saying it. While is sounds odd, even to me, I am blessed to be able to live this life. But that doesn't mean it doesn't come with its own set of challenges.

I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I'd actually publish while still in college. It has always been a dream and goal of mine, but I don't think I really thought it would come to pass. But that's just how awesome my God is - He knows the desires of my heart and heaps blessings on me that I don't deserve. And that's the only way I know I can live this life and wear all the hats that I do, through Jesus Christ and the strength He gives me. 

But like I said, it's not always easy being a double major and published author. I almost feel like I can't talk about my books in classes for fear of being judged. YES, JUDGED. I don't want other students looking at me differently and I especially don't want my professors judging me one way or another - whether it is positive or negative. However, it is hard to hide something as big as this. And it's not that I want to hide it. I'm very proud of my books, but I also want to be treated just like any other student and I want the other students to treat me the same way. 

So it's a difficult balance I try to keep. But so far it has been doable. But now I have the added blessing of being president of my sorority. I am absolutely thrilled and honored to step into this role ( DOVE LOVE), but I obviously still have some fear that makes me question myself. 

But that's when the Lord tells me again and again that He would never give me anything I couldn't handle. And it's true. I can do it all, not by my own strength, but by the strength Christ has equipped me with. 

So as I go into this new semester with new goals and dreams, I am reminded that Christ holds my destiny, both in class and in my career, and that trusting Him is the first step. My advice to any one who is also feeling the same way as I am in whatever situation is to take a deep breath, take the chance, and remember that regret is worse than fear or failure.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Blogger Book Fair Day Five: Character interview with Alyssa's Auch's Wynn

Welcome to the last day of the Blogger Book Fair! I am excited to host a character interview with Alyssa Auch's Wynn. I hope you all enjoy and check out her book!

      Tell us a little about yourself.
My name is Wynn, I am twenty-one, and I am the only witch born in one hundred years. I run a lot—I’ve spent most of my life doing that. My parents were afraid of me and left me in an egg box outside a lord’s kitchen as a baby. And there’s this problem of a warlock hunting me. I have a stressful life.

       What is your favorite childhood memory?
       I remember one of the women who raised me, a servant in Lord Berot’s house, cared for me very much. Her name was Sheila, and she would take me away from the kitchens sometimes. We would sit on this uneven, grassy hill overlooking the berry fields in the summer. She wove starlet flowers through my hair, saying more with her actions than she could with words; she told me I was wanted. She had thin, wrinkled hands, I remember, and I used to just watch them work as she twisted the stems of those flowers, braiding and knotting them into circlets.

       When was the first time you fell in love?
        Recently. And it has taught me that you don’t always “find” love. As he once told me, the people you love sometimes just dawn on you.

       What is your opinion on love at first sight? 
      It certainly did not happen to me! And I do not know very much about love. I have been so swept away in the current of my life, I could not tell you what the lovebirds were doing in the branches above.

      What is the one thing you wish you could change about yourself?
       My eyes. They mark me before anyone can know me.

        Who is the one person, living or dead, you most admire?
        The man I fell in love with.

Quick Fire Questions:

1.     Coke or Pepsi? I have no idea what those are. But my author says Coke.
2.     Salty or Sweet? I like sweet things.
3.     Book or Movie? Thing I know versus thing I have never heard of—I will go with book.
4.     Favorite Color? Violet blue
5.     Favorite Vacation Spot? I have always been told that a holiday in Ediston province is relaxing. And they have a fair there every year that I went to once. It was one of the most fun experiences I can remember.
6.    Cats or Dogs? Cats.

Alyssa Auch


Alyssa Auch was born and raised in Pennsylvania with loving parents and three hilarious younger siblings. Her imagination was sparked by the lush, green forests and bright colors of her home that often spoke of other worlds only found in the magic of writing. She brought that inspiration into the fantasy novels she so loves to create.

Currently, Alyssa is a senior at Brigham Young University-Idaho studying Marriage and Family Relations with a minor in English. She is married to her High School sweetheart, and they have three beautiful children who keep them both very occupied. Although her novels are often written in the late hours of the night and during cherished naptime blocks, she devotes a very special part of herself to the power of words and love of storytelling.

The witch knows he will hunt her.

If history repeats itself, as it always does, Wynn will have no choice but to cross paths with her feared counterpart, the warlock. If given the chance, he would kill Wynn, absorbing her aura and obtaining ultimate power. In a desperate attempt to outrun destiny, Wynn moves from place to place, hoping to stray from the map laid out by the Fates. But by chance, on an urgent errand for Queen Alexandria herself, Wynn finds she has fallen into the hands of the one man she so hopelessly fled from. Now his captive, Wynn must guard her secret and that of her kingdom, or risk bringing forth a dark age not seen in hundreds of years.

Lunula Purchase Links

Publisher Site


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Author Contact

Twitter: @alyssa_auch

I am also on Goodreads and LinkedIn under my full name, Alyssa Auch